Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) Treatment

Should you be suffering from BPPV (crystals dislodged in the inner ear) your Physiotherapist can educate you on repositioning manoeuvres for vertigo to relocate the crystals and relieve your symptoms.

Visual Retraining & Desensitising Exercises

In the case of an issue with the vestibular system the vision may become blurry and individuals may experience dizziness with head movement. Our clinic can give special retraining exercises to help stabilise the vision and improve movement related dizziness.

Balance & Gait

Balance issues are common in those suffering with vertigo and dizziness as is veering with walking. Physiotherapy can assist with rehabilitating these issues and improving confidence with balance with standing and walking during normal daily activities.

Falls prevention & falls risk minimisation

Issues with balance can lead to decreased confidence with balance, fear of falling or even the occurrence of regular falls. Balance rehabilitation can improve confidence with walking and reduce the risk of falls and falls related injuries

Return to Running & Sports activities

After a vestibular injury or vertigo episode, individuals may require a gradual return to running program or a physiotherapists advice regarding returning to sports activities.